Letter to the Editor |
From the Garden Grove Journal January 17, 2008 |
Contrary to the recent accusations of Steve Sheldon, this is not my appeal nor is it my lawsuit against our City. I am the President of the Garden Grove Downtown Business Association consisting of approximately 100 members, nearly all of whom have been against this project from the beginning and of whom voted unanimously to file this appeal at our last November meeting. Both the City and Mr. Sheldon know that we tried exhaustibly to come to some sort of compromise with them prior to resorting to legal means to protect our rights. |
We as an association are not against development per se, and I publicly stated that fact at the project hearing. We have also, as an association, looked at other developer's proposals in the past as a means to re-vitalize the downtown area, but they too unfortunately, had the same insurmountable defects and environmental impact issues as does the Sheldon Project, ie., disruption and ultimate elimination of commercial parking, neighborhood overcrowding, increased traffic congestion, and the compromising of the historical integrity and cultural character of our Main street area. |
I also have no intention of developing this project myself. Nor am I waiting only to quash Mr. Sheldon in court so that I might then pounce on his lost opportunity to build. Nor am I in collusion with any third party developer, have any backdoor kick-back deals planned with anyone on the City Council or in staff, have any ulterior motives in fighting against this development and/or have any other hidden agendas for my own personal profit or gain. My only intention is, as Association President, to carry out the wishes of the Garden Grove Downtown Business Association in protecting their best interests. Those of you who know me, know that I am simply an individual who says what he thinks and does what he says. |
Please be aware and believe me however when I say that, as is with most things, this conflict between the GGDBA, the City and Sheldon Public Relations is far more complicated than the sound bytes you've been hearing lately from Sheldon, our city council members or myself. Please visit our website at www.SaveHistoricMainStreet.com and make your own conclusions or feel free to call me at 714-534-0992 with any questions you have regarding our Association's lawsuit to stop this illegal and ill-planned Redevelopment Agency project. |
For those of you who have supported our cause, I thank you. |
Scott Weimer, President GGDBA |
Send your contributions and letters to:
Save Historic Main Street
12866 Main Street #100
Garden Grove, Ca. 92840