Letter to the Editor |
From the Garden Grove Journal February 14, 2008 |
Why don't city officials listen to voice of citizens? |
I strongly agree with Mike Silva's letter last week assessing the stench of the proposed Main Street condo project. I, like many Garden Grove citizens, feel a growing frustration with a city that will not listen to us. |
Are our Mayor and City Council so arrogant that they think we won't notice what is happening? Can we not see lobbyists content to sacrifice OUR historical landmarks for their own personal enrichment? Even our own city manager is in the dark about the feelings of our residents. He said in 2007 that "Main Street has never been a significant contributor to the overall economic health of the city, and it never will be. I don't think it measures up." |
Is this enough reason to push a project that will make Historical Main Street a historical memory? And then when business and property owners on Main Street asked to be included in the process, he recently told KOCE that "Main Street is disingenuous and unfair." |
There seems to be a real bias here. This brings us to the villain of our little melodrama. The interloper is Steve Sheldon, a Newport Beach attorney who lives up (or down) to most of the lawyer jokes you have ever heard. He takes great pride in his "out-of-the-box thinking." |
He recently flung unsubstantiated insults at Scott Weimer, leader of our Downtown Association in the pages of the Garden Grove Journal. Weimer is currently serving as an 28-year veteran of the Garden Grove Fire Department. Weimer has apparently upset Sheldon for refusing to take money and quietly disappear. Confronted with integrity, Sheldon hurls insults at one of our local heroes. How sad that the city hasn't demanded an apology from their cohort. |
Whether you label the behavior of our city officials as "quid pro quo," "pay for play," or just despicable cronyism, one thing is clear. This is an election year. I think voters will remember! |
John Scott |
Send your contributions and letters to:
Save Historic Main Street
12866 Main Street #100
Garden Grove, Ca. 92840